Rules of air service

General provisions

  1. SECTION 1

    1. These rules of air service (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are accepted on the basis of clause 4 of the Federal Aviation Regulations General Rules for Carriage of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAR-82) and are an integral part of the air transportation contract.

    2. According to common rule, the tariffs, rules and Charges applicable at the time of purchase of the air services shall be applied to the contract of air service, and in the case of payable baggage, valid on the day of check-in of such baggage for flight.

    3. Tariffs for transportation of Passengers and Baggage, as well as collection of Charges, are in accordance with the terms of tariffs and Charges approved by Newshore Airlines LLC.

    4. Terms of the air transportation contract, not stipulated by the Rules, shall be regulated by FAR-82.

    5. Any term in the Rules starting with a capital letter (unless it is meaningless to interpret a term in such a way) shall be equal to interpretation of the relevant term contained in Annex 1 to these Rules.

Booking the air carriage of passengers and baggage

  1. SECTION 2.

    1. For questions related to booking, the Passenger can contact the call center of Newshore Airlines LLC by calling +7 (809) 505-47-77 (calls are chargeable) or at the ticket offices of authorized agents of Newshore Airlines LLC, or create the Booking independently on the official website of the airline company

    2. The data of the identity presented by the Passenger when registering for the flight must coincide with the data of the specified by the Passenger at the time of Booking. If the Passenger specifies incorrect data (or if the Passenger intends to show another Identity when registering for a flight), the Passenger must contact the call center of Newshore Airlines LLC by phone +7 (809) 505-47-77 at least 4 hours prior to the flight departure time (call are chargeable) or independently make the necessary changes using the service "Manage my booking" on the website, or change the data before the end of registration at the ticket offices of the authorized agents of Newshore Airlines LLC. Data change services are charged according to the established tariffs and Fees, except for cases when the change in the data of such occurred in accordance with the procedure established by law. Otherwise, the Passenger will not be allowed to be transported.

    3. Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities the carriage of whom requires special conditions are recommended to inform the Newshore Airlines LLC on the special conditions of carriage well in advance.

Payment for the air carriage of passengers and baggage

  1. SECTION 3.

    The right of claim under the contract of carriage, including the requirements for the return of funds, without any reservations belongs to the Passenger, and does not depend on the identity of the person who paid for the Booking.

Execution of the contract of air carriage of the passenger. Ticket

  1. SECTION 4.

    Concluding of the contract of air carriage by the Passenger shall be proved by the Itinerary Receipt. Based on the request of the Passenger, Newshore Airlines LLC may amend the terms of the air carriage agreement, unless otherwise stipulated by the rules for the application of tariffs and Fees of Newshore Airlines LLC. Changes can be made before starting check-in for a flight. Charges (payment) for introducing amendments shall be collected according to the procedure provided by the rules of application of tariffs and Fees.

Tariffs, taxes, duties and charges

  1. SECTION 5.

    All tariffs and Fees are duly registered and are available to the public on the website

Provision of services

  1. SECTION 6.

    1. Changes to the Booking, including the payment of the Baggage (if applicable), seats in the cabin and other additional services, may be done no later than 4 hours before the flight departure time and are performed through the call center of Newshore Airlines LLC by phone +7 (809) 505-47-77 (calls are chargeable) or in the section "Manage my booking" on the website, or at the offices of authorized agents of Newshore Airlines LLC at the airport before the end of check-in for the flight.

    2. When Booking, the system will automatically assign the Passenger a specific seat in the cabin of the aircraft. A change of seat on board the aircraft is possible at an additional cost till the end of the check-in. Unauthorized change of seats on board the aircraft is not allowed. Passengers during the flight must be at the assigned seats indicated in the boarding passes.

    3. In the interests of flight safety, the crew members of Newshore Airlines LLC are entitled to change or redistribute seats in the aircraft cabin at any time if, in their reasonable opinion, placing the Passenger to the relevant seat does not provide an acceptable level of flight safety.

      It is PROHIBITED to place the following categories of passengers in the emergency exit row and where rescue equipment is located:

      • passengers whose physical or mental condition does not allow them to move quickly (if necessary), pregnant women;
      • passengers whose vision and/or hearing can become an obstacle to the execution of the crew orders to evacuate;
      • children under the age of 18, regardless of the presence of persons accompanying them;
      • passengers who do not speak English or Russian;
      • passengers carrying pets in the cabin of the aircraft;
      • passengers who are carried as detained and/or deported passengers;
      • unaccompanied children, regardless of age;
      • passengers whose dimensions do not allow them to move quickly.
    4. Meals and hot drinks are not available on board the aircraft of Newshore Airlines LLC. Passengers are strictly forbidden to drink their own alcoholic beverages on board. For safety reasons it is forbidden to carry hot drinks on board.


  1. SECTION 7.

    1. Check-in at the airport begins no later than 2 hours and ends strictly 40 minutes before the departure time of the flight. Airports of certain states may have specific requirements for the end of registration. In this case, we will inform you about such requirements prior to the completion of ticket booking, and will also indicate in the itinerary receipt the exact time for the end of check-in. Boarding ends strictly 25 minutes before the departure time of the flight as indicated in the itinerary receipt.

    2. After completing the online check-in, you need to either (a) print out the electronic boarding pass sent to your email and keep it with you until the end of the flight, or (b) save the electronic image of the boarding pass on your mobile device and use it to pass the pre-flight formalities at the airport. For passengers from Antalya, Alanya, Bodrum, Dalaman, after passing the online check-in, the printout of the boarding pass is obligatory at the airport at the front desk. 

      For customers departing from the airports of countries outside the Customs Union, and then following by domestic flights of Newshore Airlines, after completing the online check-in, print out the electronic boarding pass sent to your specified email and keep it with you until the end of the flight. Boarding pass in a printed form is required for flight between points on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    3. Responsibility for the availability of all necessary entry, exit, medical and other documents in accordance with the requirements of the countries of transport shall be borne by the Passenger.

      If you are not a citizen of Russia and at the same time: (a) fly to Russia by an international flight and (b) use the online check-in service, then you need to go to the check-in desk at the airport of departure not later than 40 minutes (when departing from Karlovy Vary, Leipzig, Istanbul (Ataturk, Sabiha), Eindhoven, Berlin (Tegel), Milan (Bergamo), Cagliari, Genoa, Eilat and Dubai not later than 60 minutes) before departure visa compliance.

    Warning! At Dubai Airport online check-in is not available. If you departing from Moscow, please proceed to the check-in counter at Vnukovo Airport in 40 minutes minimum. If you departing from Dubai Airport, you must arrive at the check-in counter in 60 minutes minimum.

    1. Responsibility for the timely passage of departure procedures rests with the Passenger.

      We will refuse air transportation to you in the event of your late arrival to check-in point of passengers and baggage for the relevant flight.
    2. When boarding an aircraft, you must show to the crew members a printed boarding pass or a saved electronic image of the boarding pass on your mobile device. In this case, the client is responsible for the performance of mobile devices until the end of transportation.

Termination of the contract for the carriage of passengers by air and refund

  1. SECTION 8.

    1. The Passenger can refuse to be air transported in the manner and cases stipulated by paragraphs 226-230.1 of FAR-82.

    2. In the case of a forced refusal of carriage due to a sudden illness of the Passenger or the illness of a member of their family, following them on the aircraft, the fact of the illness must be confirmed by a notarized copy of the certificate of incapacity for work (approved by The Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 04.26.2011 N 347n) containing information (marks) or other references to the presence of medical contraindications to flight on an aircraft for a given type of illness, and in the case of illness of a minor Passenger - a notarized copy of a certificate of incapacity for work issued to one of the family members (guardian, caretaker, other relative), actually providing care, in the manner prescribed by Chapter V of the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Russia of 06/29/2011 N 624n, and containing notes about the presence of contraindications for Aircraft flight for a given type of disease. This document should be sent by registered mail to the airline's mailing address: 108811, Moscow, p. Moskovsky, Kievskoye Highway, 22nd km., Household 4 addressed to Newshore Airlines LLC

    3. The refund of money paid for transportation is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 231-240 of FAR-82, and in the part not regulated by these points, in accordance with the rules for the application of tariffs of Newshore Airlines LLC.

    4. If the voluntary amendment of the contract of carriage declared by the Passenger is not allowed by the rules for the application of the tariff, the air transportation contract shall be terminated in accordance with the procedure provided for the voluntary refusal of the Passenger from the carriage (paragraph 229 of FAR-82).

    5. Refunds are made in the same way they were paid.

    6. For a refund, the notification of refund must be drawn up Notification of Refund. Notification of refund are accepted within 90 days from the date of departure specified in the Itinerary Receipt.

Baggage and cabin baggage

  1. SECTION 9.

    1. For air travel, booked and paid before 18.02.19:

      To be safely accommodated in the passenger cabin, the maximum total dimensions of cabin baggage and items listed in paragraph 135 of FAR-82 should not exceed 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters (the total size of all items). Cabin baggage and items listed in p. 135 of FAR-82 are not limited in quantity and weight, but must fit freely in the calibrator (gauge) for Cabin baggage with the airline logo installed at the airport.

      Measurement must be made before passing to the passenger screen filtering. Cabin baggage allowances are not cumulative for passengers traveling together and do not apply to children under 2 years old, transported without a separate seat.

      For air travel, booked and paid after 18.02.19:

      The following can be transported in the cabin:

      • Ladies' bag or briefcase, or backpack with dimensions of 36 x 30 x 23cm

      • Outer garments

      • One suit in garment bag

      • A bouquet of flowers

      • Medicines and food for the child in flight

      • For child transporting: carrying device (baby cradle, retaining device for children up to 2 years old, baby stroller and their analogs)

      • Crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair in use

      • One piece of hand baggage weighing not more than 10 kg with dimensions up to 36 x 30 x 4 cm
      • Products from DUTY FREE stores with dimensions of not more than 10 x 10 x 5 cm.

      The lack of indication of weight and dimensions of some things cannot be regarded as an opportunity to transport things that are obviously not small and allowing them to be placed in cabin baggage without compromising the rights of other passengers or security requirements as defined by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Cabin baggage allowances are not cumulative and do not apply to children under 2 years old, transported without a separate seat.

      At the same time, for air travel, booked and paid starting from 18.02.2019, the passenger can alternatively use the previously existing rules for the transportation of cabin baggage (until 18.02.2019): Cabin baggage is not limited in quantity and weight, but must fit freely into the cabin baggage gauge with dimensions of 36 x 30 x 27 cm.

    2. Cabin baggage, with dimensions outside of the requirements for its safe accommodation (paragraph 9.1 of these Rules), is transported as Checked Baggage with the fee specified in the terms of the tariff application.

    3. The terms and conditions of transportation, delivery and receipt of Checked baggage and Cabin baggage are defined in Annex 2 to the Rules

    4. Rules for the carriage of liquids and other types of hazardous Baggage are defined in Annex 3.

Passenger service on board the aircraft

  1. SECTION 10.

    The carrier provides on board the aircraft passenger information about the flight conditions and the Rules of conduct for passengers on board the aircraft (Annex 4), as well as about the locations of the main and emergency exits, about the conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, about the location of personal protective equipment and inflatable ladders in the aircraft cabin. The Passengers are also provided with drinking water (hot - if the passenger has his/her own thermal mug) and (if necessary) first aid.

Provision of additional services

  1. SECTION 11.

    1. Newshore Airlines LLC operates exclusively as an agent if, in consultation with a third party, in addition to air transportation, organizes additional services for the Passenger, issues a transportation / voucher for a third party transportation or for services other than air transportation (for example, for Booking a hotel or renting a car).

    2. Other terms may be applied if the Newshore Airline LLC provides the Passenger with services of transportation by land vehicles. Information about such conditions is available upon request.

Submission of claims

  1. SECTION 12.

    Newshore Airlines LLC shall not consider claims made by phone or e-mail. Any claim must be executed in writing and sent to the address. Russia, 108811, Moscow, p. Moskovskiy, Kievskoe Highway, 22 km., housing 4.

    In case the person with the identification Baggage Tag does not present any claims upon receipt of the Checked Baggage, this is sufficient proof that the baggage has been delivered in due condition and according to the contract of air carriage, unless the Passenger proves otherwise.

    If the claim for breach of contract of carriage at the airport is not possible, then the Passenger has the right to send a claim to Newshore Airlines LLC at the address: Russia, 108811, Moscow, p. Moskovskiy, Kievskoe Highway, 22 km., housing 4.

Transportation security requirements

  1. SECTION 13.

    In accordance with the transportation security requirements, Passengers are forbidden to:
  • Walk (ride) to the transportation security zones outside the checkpoints or without complying with the conditions of admission;

  • Carry out transportation on falsified (fake) and / or invalid travel, transportation and / or identity documents;

  • Carry (or drive) items and / or substances that are prohibited or restricted for movement into the transport security zone and the free access area of the airport or aircraft, as well as items and substances that are prohibited or restricted for movement;

  • Perform acts of unlawful interference with respect to the airport and aircraft, as well as other actions that lead to damage to the airport and aircraft equipment and the aircraft, or use them not for functional purposes, resulting in loss of life, material damage or the possibility of such consequences.

Transportation of special categories of passengers

  1. SECTION 14.
    1. Transportation of pregnant women

      Pregnant women are not allowed to fly after 36 weeks of pregnancy, and after the 32nd week in the case of multiple pregnancies (twins). Women after the 28th week of pregnancy are allowed on flights ONLY when providing a medical certificate authorizing air travel, as well as a completed guarantee obligation in the check-in process.

      Transportation of pregnant women is subject to the provision of medical certificates. The medical certificate should indicate the duration of pregnancy, the number of fetuses and the expected date of delivery. The medical certificate must be issued by a competent medical institution where a pregnant woman is observed not earlier than 7 days before the start of transportation.

      At the same time, Newshore Airlines LLC is not liable to the pregnant woman for possible negative consequences for her and / or fetus, deterioration of well-being during and after transportation, including premature birth.

    2. Transportation of persons not admitted to entry at the destination or transit point

      The airline is not liable for the refusal to the passenger to enter the country. The passenger is obliged at the request of the airline or government agencies to return to the point of departure or other destination, implying unrestricted entry, in case of country's refusal to accept this passenger, regardless of whether this country is a destination or transit point.

      Carriage of a passenger who is denied entry into the country is carried out at the expense of the airline that delivered him/her.

      Deported (expelled) persons and persons in custody/escort, are accepted for transportation only for flights without intermediate landings.

    3. Transportation of passengers with disabilities and other individuals with physical dysfunctions

      In accordance with Article 106.1 of the AC RF, disability and availability of life limitations can not be grounds for requiring documents confirming the state of health of such passengers due to their disability or life limitations. All services are provided to a disabled person only on the basis of his request, and cannot be imposed.

      At the airport, passengers with disabilities and or other physical dysfunction are served by the airport operator certified to carry out airport activities to provide passenger services without the additional fees:

      • escort and assistance while moving through the airport (including zones for getting in and getting out of the vehicle), check-in and baggage check-up for air transportation, pre-flight and post-flight inspections, border and customs control at the airport, boarding the aircraft and disembarking from it, baggage claim upon arrival of the aircraft;

      • provision of special means for movement (including wheelchairs), allowing the movement of disabled passengers and other physical dysfunction throughout the airport;

      • duplication of the audio and visual information provided at the airport and necessary for familiarizing passengers with disabilities and other physical dysfunction;

      • granting temporary use of a wheelchair to a passenger from the number of disabled persons and other persons with disabilities that is not able to move independently in case of a delay in delivery to the destination airport or airport of an intermediate landing of a special vehicle for movement belonging to a passenger with disabilities, or in case of loss or damage to this item during air transportation;

      • passengers with disabilities and other physical dysfunction who require escort and/or assistance in moving around the airport and/or special means for movement and for boarding the aircraft, should arrive at the check-in desk no later than 120 minutes before the end of check-in.

Electrically operated wheelchairs are checked in exclusively as checked baggage at the check-in desk. Wheelchairs on liquid batteries shall not be accepted for transportation, their transportation is only allowed without a battery (written consent of the passenger is required).

Wheelchairs on dry batteries or lithium-ion batteries are transported with disconnected and insulated terminals. In cases where the design of the vehicle allows the removal of a battery and the passenger has a strong rigid packaging kit, transportation is carried out with the battery removed. Procedures for disconnection, isolation and dismantling of the battery are performed by the passenger or his/her attendant.