Fare Bundles

Cabin baggage
Checked-in baggage up to 20 kg
Select any available seat in the cabin

Fare bundle «Refundable» includes the cabin baggage and items listed in clause 135 of FAR-82 shall not exceed 36 x 30 x 27 centimetres (the total dimensions of all items), one piece of checked-in baggage up to 20 kg with the sum of three dimensions of one piece not exceeding 203 centimetres in the baggage compartment of the aircraft. Passenger can select any available at the time of ticket purchase seat in the cabin.

Seat selection should be made on the website ns-booking-test.newshore.es no later than 4 hours before the departure.

In addition, the passenger can apply for the refund until check-in close-out (fee for booking cancellation operation is applied in the amount of 2,300 rubles (75 euros) per segment per passenger), as well as a time option to change the time and/or the date of departure (in case of more expensive fare class passenger is required to pay the difference in fare amounts).

In addition, the passenger has an opportunity to submit his/her ticket refund request, change the time and date of departure, and also choose any seat in the aircraft cabin.
Cabin baggage
One piece of checked-in baggage up to 20 kg
Free seat selection

Fare bundle «Advantageous» includes the flight, the cabin baggage and items listed in clause 135 of FAR-82 shall not exceed 36 x 30 x 27 centimetres (the total dimensions of all items), checked-in baggage up to 20 kg with the sum of three dimensions of one piece not exceeding 203 centimetres in the baggage compartment of the aircraft.

In addition, the passenger can select available at the time of ticket purchase seat in the aircraft cabin on all rows except for 1-2 and 15-16.

Seat selection should be made on the website ns-booking-test.newshore.es no later than 4 hours before the departure.

Cabin baggage

Fare bundle «Basic» includes only the flight and the cabin baggage and items listed in clause 135 of FAR-82 shall not exceed 36 x 30 x 27 centimetres (the total dimensions of all items). Seat assigned automatically by booking system.