Annex 4. Rules of the conduct of passengers on aboard of Pobeda Airlines LLC

Pobeda Airlines LLC is focused on meeting the expectations and requirements of its customers, and strives to constantly improve the quality of the services provided. These rules of conduct are created to achieve this goal.

  1. Rules of conduct for passengers on board the aircraft

    An air ticket is the document of the transportation contract between the issuing carrier (airline) and the passenger. The carrier (airline) provides transportation only for passengers holding a ticket issued by the carrier (airline) or its authorized agent and assumes liabilities pursuant to these transportation conditions. In accordance with international standards and Russian air legislation, the fact of purchasing an air ticket equals agreement with the rules established by the airline. 

    The rules of conduct for passengers on board the aircraft, adopted by Pobeda Airlines, are aimed to ensure flight safety, increasing the level of comfort and preventing illegal actions on board the aircraft during the flight. Rules are binding on all passengers.

  2. The passenger has a right to:
    1. Use in full all services provided in the provision of air carriage contract;
    2. In case of danger to his life and health approach members of the crew with request for protection.
  3. The passenger is obliged to:
    1. Prior purchasing a ticket get familiar with (at points of sale or on company website and follow established by the airline rules of conduct for passengers.
    2. During the entire period of stay on the aircraft, unconditionally fulfill the requirements of employees of authorized representative offices or agents of Pobeda Airlines, the aircraft commander and other crew members.
    3. Comply with and follow public order and rules of conduct on board of aircraft, including but not limited to: respectful of others and their religious, national, cultural beliefs; observe silence, decency and decency;
    4. Take the seat as indicated in the boarding pass issued to him, comply with the requirements and recommendations of the aircraft commander and other crew members;
    5. To place hand luggage and personal belongings in specially designated places indicated by the flight attendants, in accordance with the rules for transportation of baggage in the cabin;
    6. Stay in seat with fastened seatbelts during takeoff, climb, descent, landing and taxiing when flying in special and/or adverse meteorological conditions (for example, turbulence), as well as in other cases when the "Fasten belts" board is turned on. It is recommended to stay in the passenger seat and leave the seatbelts fastened during the entire flight;
    7. Take care of the cabin equipment and airline property.
  4. The passenger is prohibited to:
    1. Violate the provisions of these Rules (these Regulations);
    2. Create situations that threaten flight safety, life, health, honor and dignity of other passengers, as well as aviation crew;
    3. Break public order, create conditions that interfere and prevent the work of crew members and passengers' rest (shouting, talking loudly, using strong language, imposing their society, creating obstacles to free movement in the aircraft cabin), preventing any verbal abuse and, moreover, physical abuse;
    4. Be in a state of alcoholic and/or narcotic intoxication and/or toxic intoxication, consume alcoholic drinks brought with you. Open the sealed bags of the duty-free shop before the end of the flight;
    5. To smoke on board the aircraft, including electronic cigarettes and/or tools (devices) that mimic the process of smoking;
    6. Unfasten the seatbelt, get up from the seat and move around the cabin of the aircraft in situation when the “Fasten seatbelts” board is on;
    7. To cause damage to the equipment of the aircraft or property on board of the aircraft;
    8. Open technical compartments and locks of the main and emergency exits without proper instructions from the crew;
    9. Remove and take out any property of the airline from the aircraft;
    10. Use emergency equipment not for intended purposes or without the appropriate commands by crew members;
    11. To block with personal belongings and other objects the aisles between the rows of seats in the cabin of the aircraft, the space near the emergency and service doors, approaches to emergency access hatches.
    12. Change or occupy seats in the cabin of the aircraft not indicated in the boarding pass.

    Unauthorized transfer of passengers in the cabin can lead to a critical change in the alignment of the aircraft and create a threat to flight safety.

  5. Airline Policy on Alcohol and Drug Use:
    1. Consuming alcoholic drinks is prohibited;
    2. It is forbidden to carry and use narcotic substances and/or psychotropic substances and treatments in the aircraft with the exception of prescription drugs;
    3. The aircraft commander has the right to refuse a carriage to a passenger who is in a state of both alcoholic, narcotic intoxication and/or toxic intoxication, and any other intoxication when boarding an aircraft, as well as at any stage of the aircraft movement on the ground.
  6. In accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the aircraft commander has the right:
    1. In order to ensure flight safety, give binding orders to any person on board the aircraft and request their execution;
    2. Apply all necessary measures, including coercive measures, against persons who by their actions pose an immediate threat to flight safety and refuse to obey the orders of the aircraft commander, as well as remove such persons from the aircraft upon arrival at the nearest airport, and in the case of an act containing elements of a crime, transfer them to law enforcement agencies regardless of the country of landing;
    3. Take other measures to ensure flight safety.
  7. Failure to comply with the legal orders of the aircraft commander

    by persons on board of the aircraft is grounds for bringing defiant persons to administrative or criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  8. The airline is a carrier in accordance with the Federal Aviation Rules "General Rules for the Air Transport of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees", enacted by Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 28, 20007, can unilaterally terminate the contract of air transport with the passenger in the following cases:

    1. violation by a passenger, cargo owner, shipper of passport, customs, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding air transportation during international air transportation also by rules determined by the relevant authorities of the state of departure, destination or transit;
    2. refusal of a passenger, cargo owner, shipper to fulfill the requirements imposed on them by federal aviation regulations;
    3. if the health state of the passenger of the aircraft requires special conditions of air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, as evidenced by medical records, as well as creates disorder and unavoidable inconvenience for other persons;
    4. the refusal of the passenger of the aircraft to pay for the transportation of his baggage, the weight of which exceeds the established free baggage allowance;
    5. refusal of a passenger of an aircraft to pay for the transportation of the child with him, except for the cases provided for by sub-clause 3 of clause 2 of Article 106 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;
    6. violation by the passenger of the aircraft of the Rules of Conduct aboard the aircraft, posing a threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft or threatening the life or health of others, as well as the passenger’s failure to comply with the orders of the aircraft commander issued in accordance with article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;
    7. presence in the belongings of the passenger, as well as in the baggage, the cargo of objects or substances prohibited for transportation by air.
    8. Providing incorrect information when booking a ticket.
  9. The passenger can familiarize with the following rules:
    • at ticket offices;
    • on company website
    • in the offices of an airline.