Annex 2. Rules for the carriage of baggage and cabin baggage


    The flights of Pobeda Airlines LLC do not provide for free baggage allowance.

    • For tickets that do not provide for free baggage allowance (non-refundable tickets), checked baggage is carried on the condition that it is paid at the established rates.

    The cost and rules of payment for Baggage and Excess baggage are published on the official website in the Tariffs and Charges section. The fee for baggage and excess baggage is charged for each piece of baggage accepted for transportation.

    Mobile phones and personal electronic devices (PED) can be transported both in Checked baggage and Cabin baggage. When transported in Checked baggage, these devices must be turned off; when carried in Cabin baggage, mobile phones and PED's must be switched to airplane mode (in the absence of such mode, the device must be turned off) immediately after the aircraft hatch is closed before departure.

    Device for carrying a child (baby cradle, restraints for children up to two years old, baby stroller and their equivalents) when transporting a child, as well as crutches, walking sticks, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair used by the passenger are transported in the passenger compartment if dimensions allow you to do this safely, or in the baggage hold as checked baggage without charge.

  2. Items not accepted or prohibited for carriage as Cabin baggage

    In order to ensure aviation safety on flights, the Carrier prohibits that the following items to be transported in the cabin:

    • corkscrew,

    • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided),

    • knitting needles,

    • scissors,

    • folding (without lock) travel knives, pen knives.

    If the Passenger requires injections during the flight, it is allowed to take syringes into the cabin of the aircraft, but only upon presentation of the relevant medical certificate.

    Pobeda Airlines LLC does not recommend Passengers to carry money, jewelry, precious metals, housing keys, video cameras, computers, medicines, eye glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, watches, mobile phones, personal electronic devices, negotiable securities, securities, other valuables, commercial documents, passports or other identification documents or valuable samples in checked baggage.

    The list of items prohibited for carriage as baggage is listed in Annex 3.

  3. Transportation of transfer baggage to the final destination

    When traveling from all points of departure on the territory of the Russian Federation to points of the near and / or far abroad and in the opposite direction in transit through airports on the territory of the Russian Federation, you can check in yourself and check in your baggage for the flights of Pobeda Airlines to the final destination, subject to the absence in the baggage of goods subject to written declaration according to the agreement dated July 18, 2010 On the procedure for the individuals to move goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and to carry out customs operations related to their release, as well as Government Resolution No. 637 dated July 10, 2014 On the simplified procedure for performing customs operations in respect of goods accepted by the air carrier for transportation in accompanied baggage.

    When traveling only by Pobeda Airlines LLC flights, baggage handling to the final destination on the territory of the Russian Federation (subject to the absence of baggage with goods subject to written declaration in the checked baggage carrier) is only possible from the following cities of the near and far abroad:

    Transfer through the Moscow airport "Vnukovo":

    Girona, Bergamo, Bratislava, Pisa, Cologne, Memmingen, Larnaka, Tivat, Bratislava, Karlovy Vary, Baden-Baden, Istanbul, Alanya, Antalya, Rimini, Riga, Rome, Dubai, Eilat, Varna, Palermo, Bari, Genoa, Catania, Cagliari, Alania, Dalaman, Bodrum.

    In all other cases, you need to claim (regardless of whether the baggage is registered to the final destination or just to the transfer point) your baggage at the transit airport and go through customs control, and then check out your baggage at the check-in desk.

  4. Transportation of musical instruments

    Transportation of musical instruments is carried out both in the baggage compartment and in the cabin of the aircraft. When transporting musical instruments in the cabin of the aircraft, the rules of transportation for baggage carried in the passenger seat are applied.

    Musical instruments, the dimensions of which exceed the maximum allowable dimensions of baggage in the cabin of the aircraft - 93 cm on the sum of three dimensions (for example, guitar, cello, violin or viola), can be transported in the cabin of the aircraft, only if they were paid for a separate place at the current passenger fares at the time of purchase. The weight of such baggage should not exceed 75 kg, and the dimensions should allow it to be placed on a separate passenger seat. Packing of baggage transported in the cabin of the aircraft must ensure that it is mounted on the passenger seat.

    To order and pay for additional seat, the Passenger needs to contact the call center. If you are buying extra seat, the baggage allowance does not increase.

  5. Transportation of pets

    Dogs (including guide dogs), cats, ferrets, pygmy rabbits and birds are accepted for transportation in the aircraft cabin of Pobeda Airlines.

    Creatures that may cause damage to an aircraft, persons or property aboard the aircraft, as well as animals and birds (with the exception of pets / birds and service animals) are not allowed to be transported either as Checked Baggage or as Baggage into the aircraft cabin, such as insects, fish stock, reptiles, rodents, experimental and sick animals. In addition, items and substances whose air carriage as Baggage is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, and the laws of the country to, from, or through which the carriage is carried out are not allowed to be transported.

    Please notice: animals / birds and service dogs (with the exception of guide dogs), regardless of weight (total weight of the container (cage) and animal / bird feed), are not included in the allowance of Baggage carried at no extra charge and are paid according to the tariffs published on the website www.

    Rules for the transport of animals / birds and service dogs on flights of Pobeda Airlines LLC:
Animal designation Carriage conditions
Domestic animals: dogs, cats, and birds Transportation is carried out after prior notification of LLC Pobeda Airlines when booking an air ticket, only in the aircraft cabin and accompanied by adult Passengers (over 18 years old). For transportation in the cabin of an aircraft on a flight no more than 10 places are allowed (containers, cages, bags) with animals / birds. The cage for Petc shall not exceed 46x28x22 cm, which gives 96 cm in the sum of three dimensions. Passengers with animals are not to be placed in the emergency exit area and in the places where emergency equipment is located. Transportation of animals without cage/container is prohibited.
Service dogs A service dog may be transported in the aircraft cabin (in case the animals / birds numbers are exceeded) only with the consent of the carrier upon presentation of a document confirming that the Passenger accompanying the service dog is an officer of the canine service of the federal executive body. A document confirming the special training of a service dog is also required. The service dog carried in the cabin of the aircraft must have a collar and a muzzle and must be tied to the seat at the feet of the Passenger who accompanies it.
Guide dog accompanying a passenger without sight Guide dog is transported at no extra charge (in excess of the Baggage carried at no extra charge), without weight restrictions, upon presentation of a document confirming the disability of the passenger, and upon presentation of a document confirming special training of the guide dog. The guide dog must have a collar and a muzzle and must be tied to the seat at the feet of the Passenger who accompanies it. Disabled passengers traveling with a guide dog are accepted for transportation regardless of age. Passengers traveling with a guide dog are provided with seats at the rear of the aircraft cabin (with the exception of places near emergency exits).

For the transportation of pets / birds and dogs, you must have a veterinary passport, health certificate with a mark of vaccinations, as well as other documents stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and legislation of the country, to, from or through which transportation is carried out. Pets / birds and dogs during transportation must be placed in a special container (cage) of a certain size, providing the necessary amenities during transportation, with air access and a reliable constipation (lock), precluding spontaneous opening of the cage in flight. The bottom of the container (cage) should be tight, waterproof and covered with absorbent material. The container (cage) must prevent spillage of absorbent material. The bird cage must be covered with a thick, light-proof fabric. For transportation in the cabin of the aircraft a bag carrier is allowed. No later than 2 hours before departure, the Passenger must feed and water the animal, make sure to inspect it.

During the flight, the Passenger is not allowed to release the animal from the container (cage) and feed it.

Acceptance for transportation of pets / birds and dogs is subject to a condition that the Passenger bears full responsibility for them. The Passenger is obliged to comply with all requirements of the Carrier and to compensate the carrier for losses and additional expenses that may have arisen during the carriage of the animal / bird (due to non-compliance with the carriers rules, causing harm and damage to the carriers property, its employees, as well as injury to other Passengers ).

The carrier is not liable for bodily injuries, illness, death of transported animals / birds, loss, delay of delivery during transportation through other countries or territories, as well as for refusal to import or transport them through any country or territory.

For a number of states there are special rules for the importation of animals. Please find out in advance the necessary information on the rules of entry into the country of destination. Passenger can find these on the website of the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.

  1. Transporting the sports equipment

    Sports equipment (including but not limited to: long fishing rods, golf clubs, bicycles, scooters, fencing accessories, surfboards, bodyboards, snowboards, skis) can be carried in the cargo hold of an aircraft after paying an additional fee for transporting such a Baggage through the website, through Booking Center of Pobeda Airlines LLC, as well as at the airports ticket offices. The passenger is obliged to inform the Carrier or its authorized agent about the transportation of sports equipment when making a booking of carriage or purchasing a passenger ticket.

    One passenger may carry:
Baggage designation One seat of baggage Carriage conditions
Golfing Golfing equipment packed in one container (pouch One set per person
Ski equipment A pouch with one pair of skis, one pair of sticks and one pair of boots weighing up to 20 kg. No more than 2 (two) seats per person, the number of seats on the flight - no more than 20 (twenty) seats; advance booking is required when purchasing a ticket
Bicycle Bicycle in a case or in package Weight with packing not more than 20 kg., Quantity on a flight - not more than 2 (two) pieces, early reservation is required when buying a ticket
Fishing equipment Fishing equipment packed in one container (case) 2 fishing rods, 1 set of fishing gear per person
Musical instrument Instrument in a case or in package Weighing up to 20 kg, not more than 1 (one) per person, not more than 10 (ten) per flight, prior reservation is required through the call center
  1. Receipt and delivery of Checked baggage

    The passenger is obliged to pick up their Checked baggage as soon as it is possible to receive it at the destination. Checked baggage is stored at no additional charge at the airport, to which it must be delivered under the air transportation contract, for two days, including the day of arrival of the aircraft, on which the Checked baggage is delivered.

    Subsequent storage of Checked Baggage is provided by the Carrier or service organization. Expenses for the storage of Registered Baggage that has not been received by the passenger within the period established by this paragraph shall be reimbursed in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    If the Checked Baggage, with a properly issued numbered baggage tag, arrives at the airport (destination) and is not received / not claimed by the Passenger, Pobeda Airlines LLC will search for the owner of the Registered Baggage.

    If the owner of Checked Baggage is found, a written notice is sent to him/her informing to receive the Baggage and the procedure for receiving or delivering the Baggage.

    Checked baggage is stored for six months from the date of notification to the owner of Checked Baggage of the need to receive the Baggage. If the owner of the Registered Baggage is not found - from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the airport.

    In case of non-receipt by the Passenger of Registered Baggage after the expiration of the specified period, the Baggage may be sold or destroyed in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Registered baggage can only be picked by a person who has the appropriate baggage identification tag. If the recipient of the Checked baggage cannot present and / or identify the Baggage using the baggage identification tag, Pobeda Airlines LLC will transfer the Baggage only after satisfactory evidence of the rights to this Baggage has been provided.

    In case of loss, shortage or damage (deterioration) of the Baggage, the Passenger is required to contact the staff of the Baggage Tracing Service before leaving the arrival area and shall fill out a special form.

    Search for lost Baggage is initiated within 21 days of receipt of an application from the Passenger. If after 21 days the baggage is not found, the Passenger may make a written claim to the Carrier. The decision on monetary compensation and its amount is made on the basis of the provisions contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Warsaw Convention, and the regulatory documents of Pobeda Airlines LLC.

    Pobeda Airlines limits their liability for the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of Checked Baggage, Cabin baggage in the cabin of the aircraft as follows:

    • for loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of cabin baggage and baggage in the aircraft cabin - in the amount of their value, and in case of impossibility of its valuation - in the amount of not more than eleven thousand rubles.