Annex 1. Terms and Definitions


"Authorized agent" - an individual or a legal entity authorized to perform actions on its own behalf and by appointment of Pobeda Airlines LLC to attract passengers, arrange and to sell passenger carriage services and additional services on Pobeda Airlines LLC flights in the manner and under the terms of an agency agreement (agreement) concluded with such an entity or an individual.

"Baggage" - the property of the passenger transported on the aircraft of the Carrier in accordance with the air transportation contract with the Passenger.

"Checked baggage" - Passenger Baggage accepted by the Carrier for air carriage in the baggage compartment of the aircraft and marked with a Baggage Tag.

"Excess baggage" - part of the mass of Baggage, which exceeds the Baggage Allowance established by these Rules or the conditions for baggage tariffs.

"Baggage tag" is a document issued by the Carrier for identification of the Passenger's Checked Baggage. One part of the Baggage tag is attached by the Carrier to each piece of Checked Baggage or Cabin Luggage. The second part of the baggage tag is given to the passenger.

"Booking" means a provisional temporary fixation of a seat on an aircraft for a specific Passenger on a specific flight and on a specific date at the rate available at the time of such Booking.

"Personal Identification Document":

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document substituting it,

  • regular international passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,

  • military ID (for military personnel serving in conscription, contract or alternative service),

  • birth certificate (for persons under the age of 14),

  • national passport (for foreign citizens),

  • certificate for stateless persons,

  • residence permit.

"Itinerary receipt" - an extract from the automated booking system of Pobeda Airlines LLC (e-ticket) confirming the fact of entering into an air transportation contract and containing other elements in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 134 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2006 "On the establishment of the form of an electronic passenger ticket and baggage ticket in civil aviation".

"Passenger" - a person who is transported or must be transported on an aircraft in accordance with the contract for the carriage of passengers and baggage by air.

"Fee" is the fee charged by the Carrier for the provision of additional services.

"Special fare" is a fare established taking into account the special conditions of its application to certain categories of Passengers.

"Place of performance of the contract" - the place of performance of the contract of air transportation is determined by the location of Pobeda Airlines LLC, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as of the date of commencement of the first flight provided for by the booking.